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Star Quality Success School
Welcome to the Star Quality Success School!
Welcome video (1:08)
Mindset Magic ✨
Welcome video (4:46)
The Power of Positivity (5:15)
Law of Attraction
The Power of Positive Language
Let's Get Grateful
Amazing Affirmations
Journal Your Way to Joy
What Are Success Habits? (8:57)
Creating Your Own Success Habits
Overcoming Your Imposter
What is a Legend List? (3:31)
Creating Your Legend List
Your Passion & Purpose 💖
Welcome Video (2:15)
What is Your Why
Goal Getting Superstar
Getting Clear on Your Mission
Your Vision
Your Five W's (6:50)
Your Beautiful Brand Values (3:33)
Building a Beautiful Business 🌟
Welcome video (2:35)
Identifying your dream client (4:53)
Your ideal client's struggles & solutions
Knowing your competition
Building a beautiful brand (11:52)
BONUS - Creating Your Dream Life
Brilliant business models, packages & pricing 💰
Welcome Video (1:35)
Business models, packages and prices, oh my! (7:59)
Creating perfect packages 💖
Pricing for Profit 💰
What gets measured gets managed (2:51)
Let's Get Visible 💥
Welcome video (1:46)
How to get Powerfully Visible & Sign Dream Clients (24:12)
Modern Day PR
Choosing Your Channels
Traditional, digital & social media
The PESO model
Using key dates
BONUS: Key dates calendar
BONUS MODULE: Media Magic ✨
Welcome video (1:55)
BONUS: Creating your media wish list (3:59)
BONUS: Media lead times (4:48)
BONUS: Ways to feature in the media (6:15)
BONUS: What to pitch (9:46)
Time to Show Up & Shine ✨
Welcome video (2:17)
The Secrets to Success (9:43)
BONUS: Visibility planner
BONUS: 24 content ideas for every business
BONUS - Money mindset
BONUS - Money magic & abundance
BONUS - Client & lead tracker
BONUS - Tracking Your Cash 💰
BONUS: Time management, planning & productivity hacks (19:14)
BONUS: Let's Launch 🚀
BONUS: Reading list
BONUS: Top Tools
The Power of Positive Language
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